Write Like Me

As you know, this month’s theme is interactive games.  You might wonder why would a writer like me want to blog about games?  Well, first of all, everyone needs to have something besides their work.  But secondly, a lot of my games involve television shows or songs which are written by writers.

Today’s game is to Identify TV Shows That Feature Writers.

The rules are as follows:

1. You have to include the name of the TV show.
2. You have to include the name of the actor who plays the part of a writer.
3. You have to include the name of the character writes for a living.
4. You have to include the type of writer said character is.
5. You may NOT repeat any of my examples. (Preferably, please don’t repeat any examples from the comments above yours.)
6. You may NOT use the internet to reference anything. (Please play honestly.)

First, I’ll provide some examples, then it’s your turn:

Alright, now it’s your turn.  I hope that each of you will rise to the occasion and play along with me.  I’ll look forward to reading your answers below…

So let me hear from you…  Have you ever had an idea for a episode of one of your favorite television shows?  If so, did you try to submit it to the network?  What happened?

25 thoughts on “Write Like Me

  1. You and everyone else named the ones I had in mind. I used to watch a lot of TV, now not so much. Did anyone mention Bewitched? Dick York played Darren Stevens – he was an ad exec, so perhaps he wrote advertising copy?? Hey, I’m stretching, aren’t I? (grin)

    Here’s one I bet no one but me comes up with. My mom was a huge Peyton Place fan and I can remember that show always being on the TV in our house, so here goes: Peyton Place, Warner Anderson was the actor, Matthew Swain was the role, and occupation was small town newspaper editor (I’m counting that as a writer!).

  2. “Lou Grant,” Joe Rossi, star reporter, played by Robert Walden. Lou was the city editor, and I’m sure he wrote headlines and edited the copy, Rachel. This was a drama, post “Mary Tyler Moore Show” TV newsroom.

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